Category Archives: celery benefits

Celery benefits – The Secret about Celery benefits

Health and celery benefits :
It is a plant that has its origins in the Mediterranean wild celery . Celery has a thick fleshy rhizome , reduced aerial stem and large pinnate leaves celery benefits celery health benefits, green.

It is a crop used as a nutrient celery health benefits, but also as a medicinal plant . For treatment recommendations used the roots and leaves and seeds. It is also used as an aphrodisiac , febrifuge , hypertensive , urinary retention , kidney disease celery benefits.

Celery juice benefits :
These applications are due to mineral content and 60 mg (%) of potassium ( 50 mg % ) and sodium phosphate ( 55 mg % ), calcium (235 mg %) , vitamins A, B , B, C and trace elements iodine, magnesium celery benefits, copper celery health benefits.
People say that celery rejuvenates , stimulates the adrenal glands.

Therapeutic properties and celery benefits :
The roots of celery are very useful in kidney disease and cardiovascular disease . Also recommended in cases of obesity, since it removes the excess water in the tissues.
With hypoglycemic properties is a very good anti – diabetics celery benefits.

For intestinal disorders that can be used as a laxative and a diuretic in this way : Boil 40 grams of leaves in a liter of water. Strain and drink one cup per day . As a drink can be consumed 100 grams in the morning before eating . In addition to the diuretic, drinking 2-3 cups of decoction of 30 grams of roots and rhizomes in a liter of water.

How to do for celery juice benefits :
For eye diseases drip on the eyelid some celery tea downstairs sorcerer benefits :
Tonic wine is prepared in a shredded and macerated root , left for 48 hours in a liter of white wine with 100 grams of sugar. Drink 2-3 glasses of this wine fragrant. It has a diuretic , and a tonic effect celery health benefits.

Freezing Bathrooms : Boil a whole grated celery in 2 liters of water for about 45 minutes. The parties are kept frozen hot decoction , as it can be . Can be heated and used three times daily . The treatment lasts 3-5 days.

The rhizome and roots can be eaten raw . They act as a laxative , aphrodisiac and blood pressure .

Decoction ( consisting of 100 grams of celery – leaves and roots – one liter of water ) and dye ( grated celery – 30 to 50 grams of celery alcohol e.g. kill 7 – 10 days macerated ) are used to treat skin diseases .
so celery benefits are much..

Celery benefits – The Secret about Celery benefits

benefits, celery benefits, celery

via chose1ofbest